I formally declare war on ____The_Night_Stalker____. It all started on a sunday morning when I got on kaw and saw this noob clogging up the active topics board with this distinct title on his thread that is usually recognizable as spam, so I click on his thread and guess what? He calls someone out just as I will/am calling him out in this thread of my own. It has come to my attention that he enjoys getting "noob tears" on his wall which I don't really find enjoyable. He says "I've been farmed before by him but I am a stronger soldier now." Let us see about this after he feels my wrath for a couple days. ____The_Night_Stalker____: This is my formal declaration of war against you. You will be stripped, pot burned, and have the inability to grow until cf terms are met. All I can say now is prepare for incoming.
The game mechanics are messed up He can hit me with a 2m cs account but i cant hit op with a 1.2m cs account?