im back ppl yay

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by megan--, Apr 4, 2015.

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  1. I'm back for good
  2. No go away
  3. Love that meme
  4. I enjoy cactus RP, so hmu if you feel a little spiny.

    If ya know what I mean.
    I know you pimd gals like that stuff.
  5. Never in a mil yrs I'm not going anywhere
  6. Haha no ty blackhand
  7. Stop returning
  8. I can make up my own mind ppl think what ya want but guess what IDC cuz your opinions are nothing to me
  9. Plus the old megan is dead.
  10. Finally a lady I can bring to the folks to prove I'm not lonely in my basement.
  11. On kaw you never know gender
  12. I'm a girl in rl haha I got line.
  13. I rather just stay here and not see a face it can be very scary
  14. Nope I'm not scary at all
  15. No effort so locked
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