im as a victim 

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by ____I__wah__k-r-i-z-n-a---lIlI, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. i got farmed while im hitting da eb n funding gold to build my kingdom.
    but people said calm down n kicked me from da clan because im asking help on cc for dat farm,  im da victim n im da wrong one, how come 
  2. Try that reset button
  3. lol, in this game, da smaller player always on da wrong position 
  4. I think it's because nobody cares.
  5. Everyone was a smaller player once. Will you overcome or will you give in? If hit, hit back. Because that what everyone else has to do. Its a war game. If you have people fight your battles early on how will you deal with things later in your KaW progression? Will you always win? Heck no! Always a bigger fish. Just like life. Dust off and jump back in! GL op.
  6. This is getting old. Older even than the game itself.......
  7. Sorry i hit you

    I will continue when possible
  8. Tell me who this moron farmer is. Ill start kicking his ass asap
  9. Nobody cares.
  10. Think it was still worthy of op trying it
  11. Try learning proper english, OP.
  12. So what?
    You cried farm and your clan kicked.
    Now you're crying in forums?

    I wonder just how badly you cried just to be kicked and then your ludicrous mind thought. Hey I know I'll have a little ***** in forums.
  13. back to real life, this game killin me, no one can help me when bigger player farm me for no reason.
    bye all,happy kawing,im off
  14. Ali G plays KaW?
  15. Idk. RedStar is a pretty big fish. 82.5 mil cs, with like 2 quadrillion in BFA.
  16. Mister Universe..... this is a multicultural game..... a show of ignorance or was it the only trolling comment you could think of at the time....
  17. OP you're a squiggling worm, your type is always the best to farm xD