Im a noob, HELP!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by *Jim_Jo (01), Dec 2, 2014.

  1. So here's my question:
    Why do people keep scouting me even though they are successful? Don't you only need to be successful once, or am I missing something?

  2. Maybe for fun? Or if they are stealing from you, it's to weaken your spies strength 
  3. Double post op
  4. In before lock
  5. Because some people just want to watch the world burn.
  6. Bannable
  7. They need to load their full spies.
  8. dude it is a wargame
  9. ask iron maiden for help. :lol:
  10. Everyone here said their funny comments so time to be serious

    He is trying to kill your spies its not a very efficient way as he kills a low number of spies
  11. I don't know, it's fairly efficient at times.
  12. I mostly do scouts if I need to kick my full spies bar. Better than let it full. lol
  13. I hate when noobs try to act tough. Op did not complain about the number of hits. He was asking why people scout him more than once. Which is a legitimate question. The answer differs depending on the attacker.
    To op tho, the most common explanation at your size, I think, would be just a random guy looking to see if anyone responds. This would explain the multiple scts(hit until one fails).
  14. Or any of the previous answer are also quite good. But then, as I said, depends on the attacker.