Illegal Immigration with Zeth

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. Immigration. Illegal Immigration. Poe-Tay-Toe, Poe-Tah-Toe.

    I want to hear you opinions on Obama's recent executive order, going over the heads of millions of americans, to flood the border states with Illegal immigrants.

    Shoot away.
  2. If they're coming to work and help the economy, why not? If they're just coming to cause problems, throw them out. I believe this should apply to any citizen as well
  3. Yes, problem is, they aren't background checking them, and they aren't throwing them out.
  4. Why should we not allow people over here?we always have till bush really....bad thing about what Obama is doing, everyone who is here and signs up, gets legalization, but once he is out of office they can change it. Then they would have a list to start with:/ hopefully that doesn't happen. But how America is today ,you never know.
  5. Judging from your phrasing, assumptions, and response to someone who brought a legitimate point, the real answer to your OP is:

    You do not want to hear other people's opinions if they differ from your preconceived notions.
  6. Yes, **** prisons, just put the bad guys in Antarctica or the hottest desert. People always say "they are stealing our jobs" no , they applied and got the job. If they have the same qualifications as you , and they get picked , don't cry or be butt hurt .if they are under qualified and get the same job , it's pretty messed up at that point.
  7. No, i agree with him. If they are helping the economy, and are hardworking citizens, they should be allowed to come. America is a country of immigrants, from generations ago.

    But Obama is letting them all stay. Gang members, Convicts, etc. That's where my doubts are.

  8. I can't tell if you are being sarcastic, or serious.
  9. Down with Obama
  10. i think its a drain on the economy not only do they do cash word and not pay taxes but most apply for disability and food stamps.There are some that want honest work but few and far inbetween
  11. The uk has a system for asylum seekers and illegal migration which doesn't involve background checks.. our serious sexual assaults and murder convictions are up 35% in the last 4 years, the highest they have ever been with crimes by migrants being nearly 65% of those stats (source the national records office )
  12. I have a good friend who is completely illegal. Hardest working guy ever. But he is one of the few.
  13. He's just buying future voters for the free-handout-party
  14. Obviously. Lol
  15. Keep US politics outta forums...
    or give them a gun to protect themselves from the RedCoats n Govt
  16. There's an off topic section for a purpose.
  17. You are 100% right illegal immigration is isolated to America only. Other countries don't look at what other countries are doing and form policy off that (if it is working /not working).
  18. Its an internal US matter. The country is full of hate on immigrants as is. Citizens have 2nd class titles already eg Afro-American etc.
    Bigger problems eg racism prejudice to deal with still. An age old problem. Start treating ppl as equals as a starting point n maybe prisons won't be such a big business. Absurd amounts of monies r spent on things n every time the govt of the day tries doing something the other side is automatically up in arms. Polarized politics is a major problem.
  19. It really doesn't matter who the president is or who's in charge for that matter, once a new person comes into power any good the previous president did is thrown away if it doesn't play with what the new president desires

  20. Those issues you stated are VASTLY blown out of proportion. Hardly anybody cares what race you are, it's a few isolated events blown up on the media.