He farmed our clan member, vampire-osf n my alt. I have screenshot about my alts I said to him to say sorry to vampire, but his reply was farming. I'll chase him all day long till he quit this game or say sorry to me n vampire. P.S. do not trust him anymore. He is liar. P.S.2 do not accept him to ur clan, he is on our clan's farmer lists n we will revenge to him. Specially me Thx for reading this boring text, n have fun with KaW
Cool, we honestly do care about a cutesy rule that we made up a long time ago that anyone will rarely follow.
Why would anybody care about that? If he has farmed you or your clanmate just deal with him on your own.
He said to me, there is no rule about farming. But, most clan (except farming clan) saying that is prohibit. He dont know about his fault either
hey, he is dealing...if u don't care, don't even post your comment cuz i dont care what u write here
If you don't care, don't reply Don't make me angry, I can and will use my mass assemblies of marshmallows against you. "I try my shirts off" -SA- Winning since 09
We know he is a farmer. He is also annoying about opening up people on forums. He's playing the game correctly but having to post that **** on forums everyday?
LOL! You little cry s can't handle a real fight! It takes a whole clan to not even be able to PIN me! You fail!