iK vs KiP dispute

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlllIIlIIlPARASITElllIllIIIl, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. During the past 10 days my clan iK has been in a war with the clan KiP (Knights in Pyjamas). I'm the one that started all this, and therefore I want to apologize to Pungspark and KiP for my unprovoked attacks. I also apologize for dragging my clanmate Hottomolli (who by the way has a smoking hot ass) and the rest of my clan into this matter. It's been a rather rough war and I hope we can all move on now.
  2. Nope. Don't care. At all,
  3. Then dont comment razza, this thread was intended for KiP members not for you.
  4. Apology accepted and KIP will now cease fire on the clan IK. Happy kawing
  5. Thx for a great war guys
  6. Putting the war back in 'KaW'.

    What exactly were these 'unapproved atks?'

    This is a War game, since when are hits unapproved? Lol
  7. Wow. You guys are serious. I'm embarassed for you. An as to me commenting on a thread not meant for me, as a forumer, it's my civic duty to point out the idiocy of others.
  8. unprovoked*
  9. Special thanks to the omets, you've been brilliant guys 
  10. It was a great war. Take care now 
  11. And KIP will give a special thanks to our dear allies and friends! It have been a pleasure to have you on our side. Thankswe are going to miss you
  12. Thanks for warring it has been a pleasure!!!
  13. Differences divide yet bring people together. Some war for fun, revenge, profit; I warred for my family. Sincere respect to both sides.

    A big thanks to those who helped as it will not be forgotten.

    ࿇།-ཻཛྷдཞ྄ ཨཏཐT མྲབལ ངཐམམབT ཐཛྷཌྷTཞ྄བམྲ࿇

    །ཀཀབཞཆ༙ཐན ༁ར྇སཐྲཧྲ
  14. iK it was an fun warring with you guys, you are a fun group in CC and war very well (even from the other side of the planet).

    It was an honor fighting at your sides, and making a war fun is what it is all about.

    Knights In Pyjamas -our great opponents in this war- what bad things can I say of you?

    NOTHING, that's what. You all rock!!

    You guys were relentless and hard working fighters who fought tirelessly for 10 straight days.

    You never once trash talked, never once complained, you fought in a well organized and competent way.

    I would be honored to fight against your clan (or maybe next time fight FOR your clan) in the future.

    But give me a chance to rest first
  15. One of the most fun wars I've been in. A big thanks to our allies/friends for joining in. Also a big thanks to IK who put up a good fight. No hard feelings from my side. :)
  16. @ Razzmatazz

    Be quiet, nobody cares about your flaming on an innocent thread like this.
  17. Alright!! Now I can finally retire! Lmao, let me just wait for this to fully blow over and I'll be on my way. :) Shout out to Portax2 for being a good opponent and not an annoying prick, and also Roffe_in_pyjamas for a display of honor and respect.
  18. Ruff war 10 days ?