ik but read - About Utho

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xXxRPL_I_AngusEmpire_l_RPLxXx, Sep 12, 2012.

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  1. Does anyone remember utho? Best known for writing the famous 'Dragon Tale' great book and ive got it copied onto my pc if needed to be reposted just say and i can make it very clean and easy story in a hour
  2. . . . You didn't need a new thread for this. You could have just posted on the Cafe or something.
  3. The cafe isnt the right topic for this muffin…
  4. But this is a pointless thread. It's a two-sentence post which could easily have gone into any other thread and be noticed.
  5. There's lots of irrelevant things in the Café. So?
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