IGS surrrenders to TSC

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Who-By-Fire, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. title says it all on this one,
    very proud of my clan-mates! you lot fought hard and tho we were out matched from the start i haven't had that much fun with you weirdos in a long time!
    ''naked and loving the breeze... FTW''
  2. Wow how interesting
  3. Whimps 
  4. Hey OSUN, remember what I said about your last post regarding TYGA? Tread lightly, IGS fought their butts off! Kudos to them all.
  5. @ Charlie that's what was thinking
  6. @ death , what did you say , must have slipped out of my mined
  7. I thought the title meant IG was surrendering . I expected to see an op being farmed by IG players for his/her ignorance.

    Sadly I'm disappointed but congrats on your war
  8. cheers death-dealer, you have great heart mate, a headache more then another the whole time lol
  9. @OSUN, ready my comment to you regarding TSC vs. TYGA. you talk smack with nothing to back it up. Show respect.
  10. What do u mean ??
  11. Thanks for the respect guys, respect to you too. We fought hard as hell on both sides.
  12. Respect for IGS.

    TSC rules
  13. Much respect to you goonies. Special shout out to Mac! Nice work son!
  14. @OSUN. It means that I read your post on the last war between TYGA
  15. Lol you did 
  16. Anyway I don't remember talking smack
  17. Well maybe we should go back and review then. My point is this, show respect, or I will teach you to show respect
  18. Lol show respect how funny, I didn't have problem with your clan tell one of your member started posting on wc that I was open and he made some stupid threads about me ? And you told him it was a 1 v 1 war , next thing you no he farms some ppl in my clan and you don't do anything about it ,