igerpums...its time you retire

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SINlllllllllllllllXXXllllXXXXl, Jul 17, 2013.

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  1. you havent said anything entertaining in about 2 years. time to hang them up .
  2. Who the **** are you.

    Disclaimer to anyone else. I have never seen op before today.
  3. You probably have.
  4. Tell me your main. If you don't post with a main I don't really care.
  5. This is igerpums alt! Don't fall for it. He wants attention
  6. :lol: @ hero.... Imagine it was true :eek:
  7. I own my only alt. check your self.
  8. What a pointless thread, OP. If you're going to tell someone to leave, at least make a thread that you've put effort into. :roll:
  9. yeah Iger, it's time you retire. You need some sleep, see you after nap time.
  10. I request that no one post this, it's a fail troll alt. I'm trying to get it locked despite not being the op.

    Just let it die.
  11. Iger

    I'm his main.

  12. I'm not really lmao. But OP, stop. This is getting annoying
  13. aside from this craptastic thread, (which isn't entertaining) I haven't seen much from you either, so I'm locking this
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