IG has Broken 7 Deadly Sins. (SS Proof)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __CHUBBY__CHASER__, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Hey dudes. MisterMole here, and before the noobs out there get started on me, im posting with a statless alt instead of my main because my main is a bloody MOLE you noob idiots. Can’t very well tell you all who my mole is then, can I? Anyway, I’m a statless alt now but if you guys get yer asses in gear and start volleying me up, I should be farming RedStar in no time.

    Anyway I made this thread to announce how IG?BH has completely owned the 7DS family to the point where 7-Pride-7 have all run like little scared girls to the United Noor Empire. Philo knows this but these days his head is so far up Wulf’s big brown posterior to acknowledge any ss that shows that the IG/BH war strategy is actually working and we are winning this war against the the EB/EE fairies that associate with Wulf and his EB alliance.

    Want proof? Look at this ss:


    As you can see, Pride has a CA telling everyone not to return hits. They have learned their lesson after being smacked senseless by BH/IG/WAR. As you can see from the very bottom line, they have broken off from Lust/Wrath, and are actually paranoid about moles from their clannies ruining their running plans. As you can see, most of these EB fairies have since ran off to UNE so they can primp their hair, adjust their training bras and do their little fairy wars without big bad Ole BH/IG/WAR smacking them around senseless. Most of lust has been stripped pretty bare now as well, thanks for my mole giving IG/Bh all their sleeping times, so expect them to run off to EB fairy heaven as well.

    Long live the IG alliance, we don’t need EE/EB crutches like Wulf does. We simply dominate. And screw you Philo for changing sides and ignoring my ss proof. Stop kissing Reg butt and learn to grow a pair.
  2. REserved, and first, you forum noobs.
  3. Wow.

    Probably hitting haunts to raise strip funds?
  4. Interesting! :D
  5. Hahahahaha :lol: :twisted: good on ya OG alliance!!! These pansies don't deserve a cf if their gunna farm apherium all day :roll:
  6. Not much proof... What does the rest of CA say? Maybe they're planning a big strip so don't want to return hits so everyone can be as full as possible.
  7. Nobody ******* cares noob
  8. Is'nt CA SS from UNE?

    Killin-it is in UNE?
  9. This is not much of a thread. The ss could mean anything, it certainly does not indicate 7 deadly sins has been broken. You are a terrible mole if this is all you have come up with.
  10. The OP is an alt ;)
  11. drgn he says that in the thread! (/)_-
  12. Haha and legion is right that's from UNE not 7DS
  13. (Groans)

    As I have told you before , I can't go around posting every single ss every single statless alt gives to me. Post you own damn ss. Quit whining at me for not posting them for you.

    Also as I have told you before, this "proof" is not definitive. How can I tell where this ss was actually taken?

    I am busy, so please from now on just grow up, post your comments to thread, and spare me the drama.
  14. I didn't read the thread, it's obviously fake
  15. You don't see the time stamp of SS. So it could mean Killen moved from 7DS to UNE, DRRRRR. Bunch of idiots you people can be.
  16. And I saw the word Sins, so I assumed it was a religious rant
  17. Screw you dragon noob. What is so obviously fake about it? You some sort of expert. This ss was taken in pride 4 days ago before all thier members buggered off to UNE. Slinkeee was the owner of Pride, and look at him now. I showed this to Phil four days ago but he kept blowing me off.