iG downfall

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Melissa-Honeybee (01), Sep 26, 2012.

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  1. How fitting it is to see that Pure Evil and others gave this clan such a battering that they are now nothing more than an EB clan to which even then no one wants to go there :lol: :lol:

    No apologies just lots of leavers :p

    Special thanks goes to xcouncil members for backing me up and other members who are have been helpful in there information . I still think that iG should be stripped of all the benefits it still retains. For instance why does iG still aloud to have more than 100 memebers ?

    Also are AAH really still an iG allaince :eek: think iG should be removing that off there wall/

    Trolls and noobs I still love u all

    Melissa xxx :mrgreen:
  2. Really now? Didn't notice this.. :shock:
  3. How is it I didn't get the memo that iG is an eb clan??? Hmm must have missed it during that last 3 month osw the whole family was in 
  4. Lol, it's been awhile Melissa.
  5. Oh god not you again....
  6. Oh god that gob shite is bk...you can tell that she lives a sad life...it's not our fault that you old and fat and no one wants you...be my guest to slag me off..I'll give you my phone to phone some one who gives a fck
  7. Mother of God... She's back...
  8. Oh god. You've made your third iG complaint thread after apologizing for the last 2
  9. LOL - you're back! 

    support 
  10. :0 hi Melissa, long time no see!
  11. Why can't people ever figure out the difference between allowed and aloud? I mean really...
  12. Sorry all Ive been a little busy keeping those pesky bad people locked up :) Hmm last time i seen was the mighty WIT was inactive and forced to recruit liverpool :? Funny I thought that iG never done that ??
  13. Hmm... Wonder why your this small? To make sure your not farmed till reset OP? I remember you from somewhere....  I'll be awaiting more butthurt 
  14. rainbows and smiles
  15. Well I see this getting interesting so.…

  16. Downfall? I am positive that 900 clans in kaw would love to "downfall" to 31st clan on leaderboard
  17. Well kreeps it must be cos she knows she can't get laid
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