iG Civil War ... Again!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ralphie, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. iG's Civil War

    Well everyone knows iG is in war at the moment... Well it is war AGAIN!!!!!!

    This is a scary moment for myself as I haven't got hit much to date while in the first civil war...

    The Story

    A long long time ago, I was hit by some lovely Candy Hearts...


    Then hit by some Muscle Heads...


    Then I cried...


    So now I'm fighting someone who actually WINS on me.


    Note: Tara has just hit me more than any of -WIT-, -WIG-,xXIII_IG's_FURY_IIIXx (that are ex-iG - Fury not involved) players EXCEPT 2.

    Hip Hip


    Hip Hip


    Hip Hip

  2. Before I read... Change the picture size... NOW.
  3. Oh I will - let me find out how haha
  4. Enlarge the pics they're impossible to read :?
  5. Ralphie. Ralphie. Long time no see....
  6. @ ralphie. These sort of threads don't help.
  7. This OP is obviously a bed wetter who wants attention
  8. :roll: *
  9. ok pics fixed ;)
  10. **** off devil
  11. LaHwF, aka Wardot217, possibly Wardog217 hasn't made an appearance till now 
  12. Apparently sucking your thumb kills brain cells.. Better quit now OP
  13. Wardog has fought many a war with me. Not quite sure who the **** you are OP. never heard of you.