iG apology thread.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _Black-Star_Fanbat_, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Sorry iG for being stupid and getting in the middle of your war, please forgive me, and I promise you it won't happen again. I've learned my lesson on making you mad, so I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry and would like to be excluded from the war. And a big sorry for Vlad, Tara, and Lethame for being not good. Please forgive me, thank you.
  2. I never apologize to IG.

    Guess how many times I've been perm farmed?
  3. I surrender my soul to Satan.
  4. And surrender against iG
  5. Another thread the next day?
  6. Sprx how many times perm farmed?

    Once and ur farmed forever what will multiple do
  7. I ment use quatation marks on "perm" lol

    And 15
    Eventually they gave up • 3•
  8. I have been in war with ig twice and insulted on of thier admins and I never got farmed
  9. Lol must have been your noob stats
  10. Maybe but they did reply back to what I sent
  11. @osun
    That was b4 I reset • 3•
  12. NEVER make an apology thread. It will make you weak. And people will not respect you.

  13. Actually, people will respect you for calling it quits honorably.

    Not going around, making threads to torment the clan, when you're actually failing to grasp what's really happening.
  14. Yeah when you call clans out it's makes you seem weak when u got low stats.
  15. Lower stats than everyone that isn't in the subclan.

    You say kotfe, but you're only targeting the people that you can actually hit.
  16. anyone with a brain or isn't totally brain dead knows not to mess with iG. :|
  17. @pride
    I have brain
    I must be genious? xP

    Ig sucks now, people are just suck ups
  18. Lol nitro so true