if your a beginer lison to this

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rezqo, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. Kaw how to make a great biuld first biuld i forge then when you get the money upgrade it and do tjat till you have 15 forges level 3
  2. *one that
  3. stikiy!! best guide evar!
  4. But this guide is too noobish for a regular noob... Now, who's alt is it?
  5. @Thread title, you're* beginner* listen*
  6. I believe that I need money to build forges.. I think that you'll be a nice source of some.
  7. I'm a alt and I'm not telling
  8. Please tell me the mistakes were on purpose
  9. This thread is so neat and colorful with tons of detail! Sticky.
  10. I knew it... Now to figurr out who's...
  11. Blue hello coler
  12. if this was my alt that'd be awesome tehe,..

  13. Colour pink hello
  14. [color=blue