Takes place in future but has Elves, shapeshifters werewolves, Elemental controlers. Ect. Guns are used swords are used, crossbows, sai's, Katanas, Battle axes, ect, lasers. Nuclear energy, ect.
Name: Paris age: 19 weapon: handgun, poisoned fingernails(if possible) dart gun apperance: blonde hair purple streaks shoulder length. Always has guys heads turning bio: grew up with dad in the army, and a drug addict mom who's not very supportive, essipially since she's in jail. Paris is very tricky and sneaky. When ur with her, watch ur back!
Name: Isaac Age: 19 Weapons: Staff, sword, crossbow. Powers: Elemental control. Appearence: Blond hair, blue eyes. 6 ft 2. Slightly muscular but skilled in Kung Fu and karate. Bio: Parrents abandoned him at two years old. Brother died in line of Duty. Raised himself. Born with powers. Race: Human
Name epic man weapon sniper and silver sword male was expelled from school at age of 9 then became an assain then he started to become a bounty hunter
Name: Shirashi Power: Sand Weapon: Double bladed katana Bio: Grew up without parents and was taken to a guild at age 8 Appearance: Black hair with medium toned skin. Has scar on left eye
Name: Angel age: 356 but looks late teen ,early adult appearance: wears druid-type robes(google druid sketch it should b #1 what they look like) prefers to keep all weapons concealed. Eyes ad hair brown, average height, would blend in with crowd instantainiously if not for the robes very average looking weapons: magic,(minipulation of air, fire, water, and earth) old fassioned revolver, 3 throwing knives and javlin bio: tought by an ancient sorceror the secret to no aging has grown in power and skill ever since. He is now one of the best ever even so he prefers not to use his power and lives alone personality: very untrusting, he has been betrayed to many times
And for the record zethor kung fu sux for fighting and karates not all that great either kung fu is all about being peacful ad i know someone green belt karate and i can deck them any day with yellow hapkido
Name:Cooper Weapons:earth and fire bender, combines the elements with his gunblade. Appearance: about 5'9", blond hair blue eyes. Scar from left eyebrow to right cheek. Bio: grew up with his family and friends, but when a group of men killed everyone he held close, he swore vengence on them. Ever since he has been wondering the earth looking for them. I hope thats enough