if you havent EE yet, go for it

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PandaGeorge, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. On week 11 unicorn posted a thread abaout why go ahead and play ee's. i posted a thread saying how great it was and really there is nothing to fear.

    This post is for you dear kaw player that hastn tried ee but is juggling the idea in the back of your mind.

    Just go for it, hopefully it will be a memorable experience an youll participate in season 2! Youll get a much needed change of pace from ebs, youll get mith and even edge and rancor equip.
    Go for it, there plenty clans recruiting
  2. Dont u mean you should try EWars not EE... EE = estoc edge. Estoc edge is not a war, its the reward.
  3. i also read that thread and started ee,s because of it and have done 3 now n it has sparked a bit of life back into the game for me . i also have some friends looking to war off the back of that thread so yeh..........sign up wish i had done it sooner but was too scared of loosing growth but with the price of hf n t6 thaought stuff n n gave it a try i hope others do aswell
  4. yep well done blue heres a gold star................rolls eyes
  5. Nobody wants me so I don't EE. Simple.
  6. I cant find clans doing them
  7. OP, I'm afraid clans don't accept people that go in with the 'no xtals, fake money, nothing to lose' attitude, I say screw EE wars, bring back random mith purchases but make mith more expensive (harder to get/enchant equipment) and make farming/PvP a more regular/popular occurrence instead!
  8. You willl enjoy Ewars normally but will love it if you keep winning :)
  9. Nobody wants my EB fairy build :lol:
  10. Idk vengeance, if I had an EE clan I would take it, you need decent attack builds!
  11. I have a GH alt too, so I guess that works.
  12. No one wants me either too. I made by build better for EE wars too. :(
  13. Tbh I don't see the point in towers at all.. They're shite for plunder and just take up room
  14. @page 1 nearly everyone I know calls them EE wars- doubtful that will change.

    And I support this post! I definitely recommend at least trying it!
  15. I definitely support. And now that you can keep your EE bonus when leaving clans during S2, I hope many many more clans get involved. Maybe then there won't be so much concern with specialized builds and must have gotta have xtals.

    EE wars are open to all. Join in. Have fun for an hour or two. It ain't no big thang. Just trading hits for awhile. Evolve your builds and strategies over time. It's the BEST party in kaw!
  16. I would love to do an ewar....just can't find a clan to do one.
  17. Face it. You all got free xtals. You all have the option of joining a clan to war or getting your own to try. Get a feel does it appeal could it.
    Will you get your ass whipped. Yeah first time what the heck it's a game. Have a preview laugh find your strengths and weakness and then give it a real go. Ain't going to kill you to try is it??