if ur gunna fight iG, at least do it right: a guide to strip

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Staples, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. If ur gunna fight iG, at least do it right. There are really only 3 things you need in order to fight a strip war.

    I: buying power
    II: hitting power
    III: coordination
    IV: a positive mentality.

    These three things are all you need for any strip war against anyone, not just iG.

    If you fight iG, you are going to lose. The only reason to use this guide on iG would be to gain the respect of iG while losing all of your allies and def pots.

    I and II: there are already various threads on how to effectively strip someone, so I will not go over this again. Instead I will talk about how to acquire this power without letting iG know.

    First off, if iG does what resilience claimed happened to them, you are not prepared. You cannot bring in mor buying power and hitting power half way through and still expect to win. You need to apologize, get your stuff together, then go after them (and lose.)

    Buying power is basically offensive pots. If you come down hard on them in the beginning, you can have some cash out in the beginning. This is fairly simple. Go to pws and bank your gold in attack pots. You should have around 12 trillion gold in attack pots (your whole resistance combined), but more is always good.

    To recruit more firepower, don't post that you are going after iG ANYWHERE besides PMs. Make sure all new recruits know not to put the info that you are taking on iG anywhere.

    The second thing is to keep your group small. Recruit only friends you know VERY well, and who you know can keep a secret. They will tell a couple very close friends, and within a month you will have a large portion of KaW in preparation. After everyone has a lot of each def pots. And a ton of attack pots, recruit people you don't know as well. Keep getting more and more risky until iG catches on. At the first sign of iG catching on, strip everyone in iG who normally posts on the forums. Pray to god they give up, because it ain't very likely. If you get lucky and they do give up, you will control the media, and hopefully convince people you aren't on a sinking boat pulling a resilience (which you are if you're going up against iG). Then you can openly advertise and get people to jump aboard your sinking ship.

    III: Coordination needs to be run by one commander per group. There must be plenty of communication and the commander must be fully informed for every decision.

    No one questions the commander. A well respected person with little ability is a much better choice for commander than someone who will make smart decisions and not be supported by the soldiers.

    For the sake of simplicity most commander would probably bracket stats of players into low and high. Hansels, for example would always have low attack. Whether they have high or low spies depends on their size compared to the enemy force. The opponents would be grouped likewise.

    In general it is useless to go after low spy, low attack people. They are extremely helpful in the masses though. Several low stats can easily pin a large stat, because KaW works with percentages when dealing damage to troops. This being said, a commander should have everyone tell when they are being hit, and by whom. Have all low stats bombard these active big hitters, draining their troops and pinning them, preventing damage on your side. Sorry small stats, you are all defense. If you do not have enough low stats, have high spy stats assassinate pin them.

    Pick one less active player as your target. Have all high stats strip them dry (again, there are already plenty of threads on how to do that) if your target becomes pinned pick one more. If you go above two your group is probably too big.

    You will doubtless have many groups, so if no one is hitting your group, ask which other groups could use some help pinning.

    I made this thread, not because I want to have iG overthrown, I believe they are the saviors of KaW personally. No. I made this thread because I was utterly disgusted by the lack of discipline, preparedness, and most of all the willingness to lose displayed by all parties facing iG. I was astounded by how hard people can fail, but most of all their ability to accept it. This brings me to -

    IV: I developed a motto. And have stuck to it. Half the battle is won when you tell yourself you are going to win, the other half when the enemy admits they are going to lose. Naturally the body forces you to come to terms with the fact you are about to lose while you die. In KaW, you can't be killed. If you don't want to admit defeat in KaW, you don't have to, they cannot make you. Your buildings cannot be taken away, and you can live forever as a thorn in the side of your opponent. This is what I was planning to do when iG set their eyes on my clan. I would survive allyless and potless, spying the osf of every PW that any member of RoT moved into. Not stopping until the RoT member had been kicked from the clan. If you can't fight, at least don't give up. This last attempt on iG makes me sick. To realize humans can be that impulsive, uncoordinated, and undisciplined is nothing compared to thinking someone would admit defeat in a battle they cannot lose.

    I wrote this a 11:00, and I am really tired. If I missed anything plz comment.
  3. If it was that easy someone would have already beaten iG, battles dont normally go as planned. You have to be flexible and able to adopt. That's what separates the winners
  4. I'm feel like I left something out.  well, if I did I will say tomorrow, when I can actually think strait.
  5. @globhol it is that simple. But I can't understand why you use that word. Even iG would have trouble implementing it at times. I could never do anything close to this unless a whole lot of people decided to get very cooperative.
  6. Well my brain is still refusing to work right, but I remember one thing at least.

    Make a list of iG members. Put their wins and losses. This list should be for the whole sinking ship, not just one group. Put down wins, losses, and their role (being pinned, target, ect, and by whom) if their wins start going way up, and they are not on the pin list, put them there. They were either hitting you guys and winning, or hitting an osf for cash. Neither circumstance is acceptable.

    If they are on the pin list and their wins stay the same, but their losses don't go up, they are probably self-pinning. Don't worry about them.
  7. This is four things, not three..?
  8.  I could have sworn I fixed that after I added four........
  9. Is it just me or do I really smell kisses and sucking up in the air?

    hmmm...hey thread owner where did you buy all these kissing and sucking up? You might need to return them because all I smell is buttocks and your lips kissing it.
  10. Lol, it's a well known fact that fighting iG is suicide.
  11. Next time make a guide for "if ur gunna kiss iG's butt, at least do it right: a guide to kissing butts"

    P.S Im not resilience nor iG. Im just a player with no clan, that's it.
  12. Egg --

    You forgot the part where iG and friends simply destroy you with their epic mind powers.
  13. Veron, if I wanted to kiss butt I would have mentioned iG less. And not at all in this thread. Every time I saw iG dominates it's because it's true, and I'm reinforcing that you cannot win against iG
  14. -_- see, if I was trying to get them to like me I wouldn't talk about them. I'm trying to make sure sane people don't mess with them. And if they do, do it well, and earn some respect for their allies and def pots.
  15. lol you'd have to have so much go right for you and wrong for ig to defeat them
  16. in fact to even have a chance lol
  17. 666 clan vsing IG wow they are pathetic iG say wanna Strip farm can't even hire 5 of our allies -.-"
  18. Fighting iG is suicide? 0/10000% chance