If plunder wars were brought back how would u react. I'd war everyday cause it's a war. I love to war but since ebs were intered through the game everyone has forgotten are special friend back In 2011 when it was killed by the devs. If you would like pws or war like you had back then. Support this!!!
Plunder Wars being: 1.) Pwars- one side attacks the living hell out if an osf who drops pots. -or- 2.) Wars that reward the player with plunder rather than methril.
I seem to always win those wars, was very odd. I would always be behind until the very end and then the other side got scared and would forfeit. Seemed to happen every time, I was a very lucky in 'war'.
If plunder wars existed now, the OSF could make 1-2 trillion gold every two days. Plunder wars were an exploit in the war system, which is why Mithril exists now. Nothing good would come from this.
I think we (TYR) were close to a tril if not over. But would divide it up 4-7 ways depending on who opened. It would be probably 3 times higher now