If kaw was to shutdown

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ReJoLSA, Dec 16, 2015.

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  1. If kaw was to shut down what would you do on the last week of kaw?

    @chaos you have no reason to lock as this is off topic post and don't break the rules in any way.
  2. Inbeforelock

    Edit: I would pay the devs $5

    Edit 2: wait I wanna be cool /lick me!
  3. Glitch in the Matrix? :shock:
  4. /lick
  5. If KaW shuts down, it shuts down -.-

    Chaos done what was right and I support that.

  6. Actually, this is another similar post, posted within 24 hours, this is spam material so I will
    Be locking it this time for being lack of effort as well along with spam material for post count.
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