iDevices and you

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kasama, Nov 29, 2015.

  1. I'm sure it's not too commonly known but iDevices i.e. the iPhone 5c,5s,6,6+ have a new feature that was added with the recent update for iOS 9.

    The new feature being:
    Newer iDevices regain battery while they are turned off

    Especially when the competition being androids are running batteries with over 2000,3000+mah that have fast charging technology.

    This latest addition will bring iPhones into the next decade of brilliant devices.

  2. I own a Galaxy S5. I don't think it can compare to the speed it charges. It recharges from 0-100 in like 30 mins when turned off. So while that's really cool- all it says is to expect it to die often and then it'll be ready for a few more mins later on
  3. They've had battery tech that charges batteries full in less than a minute. They are just stalling bringing it to the consumer.
  4. ^Didney Worl

  5. Here we go...

  6. We can settle this based on which OS KaW was on first.

    Oh that's right, not Android because it was and still is garbage.

  7. Iphones will always be superior not by performance but by looks and the name same as why nike will always be superior to reebok or addidas has nothing to do with the actual product just looks and names so hands down iphone wins.
  8. By looks?
    iPhones have had the same looks for yearssssss.

    Lol google make android.
    Businesses like Samsung, sony, lg chuck their own skin on top.

    Apple is slowly becoming less dominant in the market.

    Especially when performance, variety and better pricing all comes from android devices.

    But meh, apple consumer me thinks.
  9. Just because a skyline is cheaper and can be more customisable than a Ferrari, doesn't make it better than a Ferarri.
  10. Don't argue about the Power of Android!
  11. Tbh knowing how lithium batteries work I would not want a phone that charges in 30 mins much less a minute each time u charge a phone it damages the battery very small damage takes around 500 cycles (from full to enemy to full again so full to 50% to full only half a cycle) b4 damages starts to be noticable at around 1000 cycles it's starts to be obvious however when u start with fast charging it's damages the battery quicker so 1 minute from enemy to full as someone was going on about might kill the battery in as little as 50 cycles take me only a damn month b4 the battery is trash 
  12. @Anarchy
    Bruh, you're implying an iphone is a ferrari?

    If anything the skyline would be iPhone because with their specs and materials apple are ripping off the consumer.

    The Ferrari would have to be a android because of how better everything is compared to a skyline.

    Why use such a weird analogy?
  13. Iphone has the fastest ram and disk speed of any phone and really any computer by a good 50% Apple bugs me about their processing power as far as lacking, ram in iphone is less but iphone simply don't require more ram not even the same ballpark of what android needs and everything is optimized for the hardware given. As far as Apple ripping off its customers Blah androids and iphones have the ups and downs
  14. No a Ferrari is a Ferarri because of its prestige and class associated with the car. There are plenty of absolutely shitty Android devices - where as all iPhones are good at their worse, due to the little variance.

    A skyline is a skyline because of its accessibility and price. You can easily modify a skyline to be a faster, or higher performance car than a cheaper Ferarri - but it will never have the class or prestige.

    It's not a weird analogy.
  15. You're a weird analogy.