I really like the new look of kaw, it was about time the game had a more modern look, the new girl looks amazing on red ;-) like a real warrior, plus the new eb it's great!!!. Oh and the crystal, thanks devs. For what I can see dev's are working hard to please the crowds, nice move devs, right on !
Have to say I like the new icon and start up screen as well. Still a tad small to hit the new eb though so that will happen later.
Haven't had a look at the App Store yet, but for a new look...it's solid. I enjoy gingers for their crazy soul-stealing amazingness, but the results will tell the story.
Agreed! Changing the icon and loading screen image is few seconds work for programmers. No new look as KaW is concerned. I'd love redesigned menus, animated buildings and other perks that modern games stand out with. Make that 'hire' button 10x smaller, so I don't accidentally hire an ally when scrolling the list...
The new look is hot and i wouldnt want it any other way.Stop with the generic boring ginger females .Its too common anyway
I think they should change the style of the girl who features on the loading screen. It is a good pose but I dislike the hair and clothes.
No, they had glasses towards the end of the era. They used to craft them from aquamarine gems and other crystals. Most likely it wasn't set in nana maskouri hideous horn rimmed frames..