Ideas - Increasing Mith Payout of Losing Side in War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RI---___Rayquaza89___---RI, Dec 25, 2014.


    Hello KaW World
    Im new in this forum, but i has been played over 2years ago
    Im WellKnown as a best mole and inactive at war :-o
    But now, I changed :-D

    Lets make it to the point.
    I was tired of losing so much war, especially Individual War.
    Its not because of skills, but its because so much of indiv player choose to be inactives after see the enemy roster are way too bigger than them. They dont give 100% of their war skills, even they dont want to xtal when they know theyre surely lose. I think this is happen on Primal and Round war too.

    So, Whats my Idea?

    If the devs give the losers more mith, they will fight as best as they can. They wont quit at the middle of war, even its surely lost war. If the loser side knows they only get 14 mith if losing, they might quit :-o

    Rules of My Ideas

    1. First of all, devs must increase the payout of the winner side.I think, it should be 2x than the normal payout. Then it will be fair.
    2. Then, the losing side got the normal payout, as the winner get. (1x payout) It will makes the losing side never surrender in the middle of war.
    3. The payout is depending on war actions, mith casted, KO/SKO, etc.

    So how guyz? This is my first post, so Troll pls go away.
    Thanks, Rayquaza89
  2. No support, if you give the losers more mith for losing, will just give them more incentive to be inactive. also they lost, they work didn't as hard as the winners did, why should they get more mith for their lower efforts?
  3. Well LOSERS don't always get 14, I've gotten 10 in a loss
  4. The payout depends on activity. If inactives, theyll get low payout aswell.
  5. @KDZ. I think u cant read  Its depends on action. U said, the loser didnt do hard as the winner. If this Idea enabled, its makes the loser not surrender in the middle of war
  6. Biggest no support to you and your idea!
  7. No Support, giving higher mith payout to losing teams gives them no incentive to keep fighting, in fact it gives them a bigger reason to quit!
  8. Exactly
  9. Your logic is wack, you realize making increase in mith will encourage them to quit MORE. If you want propel to stop just giving up, you make it so you earn LESS mith...

  10. Indy War players do not tend to give up in the middle of war, they still have a chance to win the war.

    1) The mith payout is dependent on the number of actions.
    2) The loosing side gets a maximum of 14 mith if they were active and had a good amount of number of actions,
    3) The payout is indeed dependent on the number of actions.

    Increasing the mith payout would just create a mith inflation causing the price of mith equipment to rise.

    Happy Holidays, Everyone.

    Happy Kawing, Everyone. :D
  11. Actually in the top and bottom indo bracket you can 99% call the war before its begun

    In top, one side has a way stronger lb and therefore wins

    Bottom bracket is usually about 8v8 facotring out statlesses, so it depends if any of those 8 are good and who is INAC

    At half time it's very much clear 99.999% of the time in these brackets, and people often give up
  12. At this time, i agreed with Chingford. We can predict what our team gonna do, in a small bracket roster indi war. Oftenly, so many players are giving up if the enemy roster is much better.
  13. Let's also give kissers free ee and give winning 2 lvl of ee also give everyone 1 xtals and winning 4 xtals and also give everyone who warred once all the s5 equipment coming up  I would love that

    #equalwarriors #nolosersjustlessereinners
  14. You logic is flawed rewarding people for losing does not incentivize people to try harder it does the opposite. In order to increase activity in war you would need to decrease the losers payout or remove it entirely to really cause people to try harder.
  15. Cut mithril payout to losers in half.. Max 14 to much.. Set it at max 6
  16. Clear answer,
    Don't war if you're not going to try if you don't like what the roster looks like! Mith payouts are just fine the way they are. Cast, put up your best fight and hope your clanmates do the same!!
  17. I remember ur sorry ass. Enough said.
  18. How about increase mith gor the winners