ideas for KaW

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -Killer-King-, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. I sure hope we could give gifts to other people like in pimd

    This idea could help:
    ☑️newbies be welcomed more warmly
    ☑️give stat to other people you care for as some may be items with stats
    ☑️you be stronger also

    And I hope after hunt we get 1 day extension to the hunt but drops won't drop anymore it would be just trading like if you need belts and I have too much belts and I need shivs and you have too much shivs you could gift me some. Or you could just give it to newbies if you have too much of items then maybe others will also give them then they would maybe get the 50 or 100 skulls reward

    But the rewards for top 10 and top 100 should be ready given. Except for the reward for getting 50,100,250,500,1000,2500
  2. This would be abused so badly so no support.
  3. And also just give people Like 4999 skulls to start the event and maybe some free xtals and seals to help to.
  4. Oh I see so alts can just give main acc nice idea let's abuse the system even more :) perhaps we can also trade the BB from alts directly to main will save me a great deal of time. Ridiculous absolutely ridiculous! OP please refrain from posting ideas that can be so easily manipulated and abused, we want a fairer system not a even more corrupt and vile one!
  5. I see what's the problem It's not the idea which has a problem it's the people abusing it
  6. Ty for your reccomendation I will consider that in my future ideas
  7. Pretty much yes that's the major problem with kaw at a large to be honest :(

  8. Support
  9. I support everything up there 
  10. But skulls can never be gifted
  11. A better idea, whenever a pack 4.99+ is bought in the oracle the whole clan gets a treasure to open. Can start at one xtal for each 4.99 purchase? And a few nobs. Yet a cap at how many gifts your clan can receive per day like 10-25.

    But since chest items would be randomly generated large amounts of xtals would still be very rare so;

    Variety of pots(very common) 30min 5% plunder bonus(very common),1-2 xtals (common), 1-2nobs (common), 1-2 aqua or inferno(common), 30minute 10% Plunder bonus(uncommon), 30minute 15% Plunder bonus(rare), 3-5 aqua or 3-5 inferno (rare) 30minute 25% Plunder bonus(very rare), 3-5 xtals-(very rare) 3-5 nobs(very rare), Horn(Extremely Rare), SoD(Extremely rare)

    The SoD or Horn drop could only be received by one clan member per day and out of 10-15 gifts claimed per clan mate. The player can choose to either discard a horn in order for the clan to still have a chance to gain a seal.

    Plunder bonus would be randomly generated for PvP or EB. Just like event rewards.

    Leaving a clan will not restart your gift count but will halt the ability for you to receive anymore treasure.

    A timer would be in place from when you first opened a gift. 24hours from then your gift count will reset.

    The longer you stay loyal and in your clan, the higher your chances are of receiving a greater drop. Once you leave it resets, no matter what reason for leaving.

    The gifts/treasure will also expire shortly after receiving it. Only given an hour to open each.

    Idk :3

    Maybe as well as having a max limit per day, there would also be a max per week? If the clan generates enough loyalty the clan owner can receive a spell to cast amongst all clan mates with the effects of a 100% crux chest spell. So as well as staying in the clan affecting your chance of rewards, it also gives your clan a chance to receive a reward as well. No clan would know if they are about to receive this, but once they do the spell will only affect those who were there when received, maybe have an automatic locked door until the hour is up.

    Loyalty will also be based on activity of your account, battle wins.. eb's started etc. Implementing a new bar on the home screen to show when you're nearing your max loyalty that will affect your drop rate in treasure. But if your activity slips dramatically, you start to lose it again. With max loyalty you still will be gaining the clan a loyalty score continuously.

    A clan LB could be released and updated at the end of each week. Whoever shows the most loyalty receieves that 100% for their whole clan. Again this loyalty never resets unless your clan slips up on activity or people start leaving (with their own max loyalty bar resetting).

    Just an idea :3
  12. GaW much KZ? 
  13. Gaw? Gone and Wondering where the app went?
  14. I didn't really play gaw :( I'm android.

    I tried it on my friends iPod for like a week and then the game shut down lol.
  15. Ohhhhhhh Games at War?

    I thought you were saying Gangs At War.
  16. I added more to it :3
  17. I think I found the issue.

  18. I feel like i lost interest right about there...