I came up with this, while looking at people's idea's, 1. There should be special milestones that when you unlock an Achievement, you get a reward like a crystal or a small amount of gold 2. There should be player levels, depending on how long a player plays, how they help clans in EB's as in hits rather than Plunder. 3. There should be a mentor system, in where a new member is assigned a member who is online to help them, and if the first member is not helpful then they give them a thumbs down in the mentor system, and the play would be assigned another player to help them. 4. There should be more than 3 Ranks in a clan, some that should be purchasable with extra gold or nobility. 5. When you disband a clan asking as you have held it for 2 weeks you get a percentage of the money back. 6. Clan owners name and Admins names should be shown in a list on a clans page as standard so it is easier for a member to contact them 7. There should be an Achievement for playing for a year, 2 years, 3 years and 4 years rather than it just going to. 120 days. 8. There should be a help button on which you can press and there will be chosen "Helpers" who help the player and then that player gets a Help Rating and if they drop bellow a certain level they lose their privileges 9. There should be Random Xtal drops from Equipment EB's to encourage effort and amount of hits you put in 10. final one, there should be more troop based low level EB's as most are Spy orientated as well. 11. There should be a trial system for moderators that every 2 weeks their Silences and helpness is reviewed by the Developers,and if they are not up to standard or Inactive they lose their privileges and a new moderator could take their place and are banned from being a mod for a period. Thanks for reading, hopefully some of these may come in but I doubt it but I try and hope they will so, Happy KaWing,