Ideal EE times

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIlllI__cub__llIIIlI, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Post your ideal EE start times here:

    For me I'd love to see a 2hr war any weekday except Saturday at this time:

    PDT 2:00/2:30pm
    EDT 5:00/5:30pm
    GMT 9:00/9:30pm
    SGT 5:00/5:30am

    P.S. These times are ideal for me, highly unlikely to be ideal for you. Have your say below
  2. would love a 2 hour EE starting in the afternoon GMT time during the week.
  3. GMT: Afternoon on the weekend or early morning
  4. They should just have estocs 24/7
  5. Gmt 8pm for me
  6. I like that time.