
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by yousef-305-, Dec 7, 2011.

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  1. hi , why don't kaw put a new epic battles ? n this epics be some r easy n another r difficult ?
  2. I r dun know.
  3. Don't spam forums pls there r multiple threads about this topic :(
  4. Proper english please :)
  5. ugh, so much improper grammer. anyways....there are too many threads about new EBs. Just wait until the next update.

    The-2-floor ~ on edge of victory
  6. They are working on new ones. Be patient im sure the coding takes time.

    Now please stop making this thread it has been made MANY times before.
  7. There already been a thread on this so many time ok enough with them
  8. With GaWs new release, it may take some time before KaW sees any additional EBs. Just be patient. As it is, there Is a nice variety of EBs for all stat levels to enjoy.

    Case closed!
  9. No point in adding new ones yet. If you're getting bored of epic battles, just start hitting people of battle list.
  10. KaW am wurking on new things and stuff always. w8 a wile and make see what happunz
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