IDEA: War achievement to give access to ASW 2013

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Maffis, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Thought ASW2012 went well, even though we lost. You can argue about how it was organized, but at the end of the day, thats what the devs decided and we play by their rules, like it or not.

    One thing that I think needs to happen though is to create a war achievement, eg
    level 1 = 10 wars competed in
    level 2 = 20 wars etc.....

    Then for ASW 2013 need level 1 achievement, ASW 2014 level 2 achievement, you get the idea. (Maybe stick at level 2 for other ASW's to give new starters a chance to get in one day)
    This will:
    1) Get peeps warring if they want to be in ASW like KAW is meant to be played.
    2) Give them war experience so you dont get lb players that got there through constant eb's
    that leave themselves open and let the team down.
    I know there are other contributing factors, but I believe it would help.
    Leave it open to top 10k with the required achievement and the next ASW's will hopefully have less nit picking about who's leaking and allow peeps to war instead of trying to pin their leaks.

    Yes, peeps could do mith wars to get their achievement, but I'm sure devs could write a bit of code that says, eg, if clan A plunder is greater than 2x clan B plunder, it's not a real war so discount it.

    The achievement would have to start now and not be backdated so 10 wars is about right over 12 months.

    10 wars was picked for the achievement as 1 war a month is easily achievable, giving a couple of months you don't war.

    There may be other flaws in this idea that I haven't thought of, but it's just the start of an idea. Any comments that would help to make this reality for the devs to listen to would be greatly appreciated, or reasons why it wouldn't work.
  2. I like achievements :)
  3. I'm not sure I do 10 system wars a year. However, I do at least 3 months worth of osw, so how should that count?
  4. A war achievement is a great idea. Should give a small stat bonus for higher levels maybe but then only need like level 2 for ASW.
  5. It's not really fair cause I have won some system wars that was over 2x the other clan plunder. It was held by the devs so will probably count on that.
  6. I kinda don't like the whole achievement for how many SW you do. Reasoning:

    1. People could just have an OSF on the other side and just hit it all day.

    2. They could using OSF to get Mitril and not having a true war.

    3. There is more osw than SW so yea.

    (All I'm trying to say is that most people will not have a true war experience.)

    But the new war system my change all of it, but we have to see since we haven't have experience with it yet. But we have to account people who would want to do the war will find a way to avoid doing a real war. With all of that. It might not change the next ASW so it could possible be no point of changing it.
  7. I'm of the opinion that the flaw is in how the over all leader board is made. I think we a serious discussion on what makes a person qualify for over all leader board and then set up the algorithm to calculate correctly. With a little bit of thought put into it they should even be able to consider the OSW style play
  8. I liked the idea until you said its not a war if one clan has double the other clans plunder.. Ya it is still a war it just means that side starting to fall asleep/go inactive
  9. Why don't we do SW achievement from the war devs hosted like summer wars?
  10. One of the main problems is that it's not hard to get in to the top 10k. If they wanted to make it more like an "all star" war they should do a ten day sign up. First day only ranks 1-1000 can sign up, second day 1-2000 can sign up etc. that way saw would be full before it even gets to top 5k. Thus removing a large majority of the eb players showing up where they don't belong. And allowing people with jobs to still sign up. I mean 10min after sign up and it's on waiting list? Why bother. 8-10k players should be a last resort. Not the whole war. 
  11. They will just do Mwar good idea needs too be changed some though.
  12. I have an idea for OSW to make them a type of system war, but it may take up too much server resources. in brief:
    declare OSW, starts in 1hr, runs for 7 days. if eb running, 1 hr from end of eb. no accept required, it just starts.
    at start of OSW, every membs ally value, pots and money out is calculated. totals are put on war screen. plunder made is added to this value to give a running total, so you can see what is being made/lost with respect to initial members worth.
    ff can only occur after 48hrs. winner is whoever lost the least money. also, no outside hits. membs can come and go, but plunder and their worth adjusted accordingly.
    As said. thats a brief idea. that would be harder to program and would need a lot of refining.
  13. @Maffs that would be another SW.... You can't make a OSW a system war... That's the point in calling it an osw
  14. could be 3x, 4x or find some other way to determine real war from mwar. the smaller the clan the greater the ratio difference, i understand that, but by the time you get to in to the top 10k, wars tend to be a lot closer, but valid point.
  15. Maffis it's a OSW most of them are not agreed with if it was it would be a SW. How many times have you been in a OSW where both sides agreeded on a start date lol.
  16. Wait scratch the last comment... But I want to make this strait you said to have a war that goes for 7 days?
  17. Short answer: no
  18. There has already been a thread made on this, I posted my proposal on that one; however I will add, if devs are going to host 2-3 separate wars anyway and leave it open to top 10k on lb, then I think they should break up ASW into 3 wars not only by wars participated in but also strength. Have the "best" from strength 1-2k match off in ONE great war. Have the "best" from 2001-5k match off in ONE great war. Have best from 5001-10k match off in ONE great war.

    We now have tourney system, why does ASW need to be a tourney as well? If devs want to extend the "excitement" period leading up to the ASW event, have qualifiers the week or two before, which would also give them a platform to measure commitment and activity level for the event for any who have tried to "exploit" the war achievement throughout the year as its been suggested here with mith wars, or fighting themselves.

    I will also restate here, just because you are great in system war or OSWs doesn't mean u r great in the other. Mechs, commitment level and strategies are very different between the two.
  19. Agreed. As said, it would require some thinking about, but they wouldnt have a choice for the 1st 48hrs. They would have to be within +- 50 of your clan rank to make it as fair as osw can be.

    I have only done a few OSW, so no expert, but there may be quite a few OSW clans out there that may like the idea of strip farming their enemy for min of 48hrs and get mith and an achievement for it.
  20. the osw idea was just a brief one in responce to your post. I understand osw's can go on for weeks, but you could just declare again straight away. they wouldnt have a choice about accepting it or not, so no date/time would need to be decided. only said to start 1hr after declare so that the program had time to do the mass calculation required without slowing the game down too much.

    I haven't thought about this idea too much though. the initial idea was to try to make ASW a better experience for all involved.