Idea to even out Fangs

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by StepUpSon, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. We all know that fang drops are slated 2 to 1, 3 to 1, or even higher for Hansels, and congrats to all of you who put in the crystal/time to get up to the 20,000, 35,000 or higher in fangs. I don't know of any attack builds that will get up to the 35,000 fangs, a couple might get to 20,000.
    What I would like to see the Devs do, at the end of this event is double the attack builds fang count. It still will not be even with what the hansel have been able to achive, but it will make it closer then the wide gap there is now.
    ok to answer some of the trolls that will come.
    1st I am not changing my build costing trillions for a "event"
    2nd if the devs know how many fangs everyones got they can find out whos an attack build.
    3rd I dont care if its a code nightmare, ATA has a hackers mentality, not a its to hard to do mentality
    4th you small noobs who just want to hate, your stats hold no wieght to tell me what to do.

  2. Support all the way :)