idea for rancor checkpoints in season 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PandaGeorge, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. First off, this idea was not originally mine, a HoG member mentioned it in a war thread this week and they got deleted, nonetheless it was a good idea and i wanted the kawmunity to hear it out

    He suggested a series of checkpoints for rancor levels at
    The idea is that if you reach that checkpoint and you lose wars you go down only to that checkpoint.

    Example youre at 25 rancor and went on a 8 war loss spree( blame it on whatever ) instead of going down to 17, youd stay at 20.

    The plus sides for this i believe could be the following.
    1-players who reach level 50 can still go on and play more wars without worry they'll lose the 50. Now i know hardcore players will say "ill keep at it no matter what" but they are newer players that will not chance it. And they reach it by end of week 6, that rancor spell lasts 2 weeks and you can bet they'll be gone. Thus making matches more disproportionate and chance of mismatch

    2- more players playing means more xtal uses for the devs to cash in( plus for you devs)

    3- more clans will try ewars just to try it out, and that will create better matches for all, helping s2 be a success and more players looking forward to s3, personal note, i m a new ewar player, started mid trials bc of unicorn's thread to a call of arms. And ive stayed, and paid plenty xtals and noobs

    4- this season's hours are very troubling for the players in Eu, asia and india, ( maybe U.S. too, i know I've lost plenty sleep) thus making some players choose to fight 3 to 4 wars a week( then they get mismatches and no matches which makes them angry and volatile and rage against the whole season) this will ease that pain and most likely push themselves to more wars to reach those plateaus.

    All of this will result more xtal and nob use devs, really


    1- s2 equipment wont be as "rare" as many players will participate in s2 and will most likely earn the 50. And so what? Dev hinted already that s3 will come and new better equip will come with s3

    2.....i think thats it, maybe that i ll get hated by hardcores that want this to be exclusive.

    Final note: devs, this is a simple issue to give the kawmunity some peace of mind. And as a promise from me, i will buy the 168 xtal pack as a token of support if this idea gets implemented.

  2. I remember s1 not many clans had towers lol. I like he idea of checkpoints.
  3. I support... To an extent. I think in last 2 weeks, checkpoints should be dropped entirely. This way, if you haven't warred at all, in the last two weeks players will be more desperate to get their precious rancor levels. However, the big guys won't be there to steal it all. That's my plan at least :D
    So basically, they'll be more random wars and less experienced warrers herpa derping about clans trying to at least just two or three levels :D
  4. Lol don't know why mentioned towers  must been thinking of a different thread aswell lol
  5. Support,
  6. I think a better system would be check points at every level, 1 under the required for the next equipment. That way, its still annoying if u drop under and equipment but if u do its not difficult to get back up
  7. Sounds good to me It prob won't happen season 2 but ya never know maybe season 3
  8. I fully support the idea. I like this.
  9. Support. Anything that encourages more people to get involved in estoc wars im in favour of
  10. Thanks for posting Panda! I like this idea too.
  11. Sup! Or... Tea?
  12. Sorry. I accidently posted a link to another thread. My phone froze for a few seconds.

    I was going to say that this is a very good idea, as I hate the thought of having a good first half season and then losing it all due to real life problems etc.

    And there is a 2 week timer on Rancor Levels and I would like to see this dealt with.
  13. Devs have replied this idea on page 9 of the timelines thread

    They said " i like the idea, we have a similar idea that we'd like to implement"

    Yeah baby!
  14. Hey there,

    We did post about this on the timeline update. We like this idea and we have something similar in our roadmap. Expect to see some great new changes with all PVP type gameplay in the near future.
  15. Sweet! Guess as soon as they're up im buying the xtals, thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply, but most importantly to implement a similar thing.