idea for new building type

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by NCU_Major, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. Idea for new building:

    - Pure attack building (PAB) / pure spy attack (PSA)
    - No troops
    - Earns no gold
    - Stats match those of, or are similar to that of adt and sdt towers

    Purpose , PAB and PSA work against static defence equivalents. ( SDE)

    In combat be that EE or pVp, PAB and PSA lower or counter SDE, in the combat dynamics these types of static builds are calculated before troop based / spy based buildings , in effect then allowing normal troops and spy's to hit each other

    Having greater PAB or PSB than SDE has no impact on troops or spy types - so spare strength is wasted

    In short think ADt as castle walls , think of PAB as a cannon to take the walls down etc

    Reason for idea:

    - increasingly high SDE is rendering normal troops and spies ineffective - there is no current counter to the towers that are becoming a game changer

    Some challenges to the idea :

    - would SDE and PAB/ PSB simply mean that no one builds towers ? I'd argue It wouldn't , but it would give all players a new dimension to build and combat to consider , it may even change team work dynamics in war - think attack builds , spy builds, and static attack builds ...
    - many will moan that they spent billions building SDE

    Other consideration or adaptions :

    - what if SDE and PAB / PSB confer some form of small bonus to troop / spy strength ?

    Clearly needs to some developments and ideas expansion - which I welcome from the community
  2. Interesting concept
  3. There are no counters for towers? I disagree. Maybe if youre hitting from pin with no xtal...
  4. Eeeh I don't like this idea much, if you only had PAB(pure attack buildings) than you can't defend yourself against an attack. You wouldn't have defense stats.
  5. Interesting... tell me more or get more feedback on this thread. I'm interested in different building types.
  6. I was thinking more on the lines of lightnaval vessels for river lands in an island lands for total of 50 new lands with the river lands connecting everything
  7. I will refer you to the battle Vicksburg in the US Civil War