Hello, I've been playing kaw for a few years now and have an idea for a great epic battle. My thoughts are, an epic battle that can have multiple endings, depending on how they are fought. EXAMPLE: There's a scout bar, and an attack bar. If the clan finish the scout bar first then the attack bar, the next phase of the EB will be spy orientated. If the attack bar goes first, then the next phase could be attack based. As well as giving epic battles a less linear feel, it will also give clans who focus on certain builds(Hansel, Hybrid etc...) the ability to complete these epics. This idea could also help with events. Clans could have to finish each ending to acquire different items. Thanks KaW.
If epic battles didnt hit back then why do your troops die every action ? And this was suggested over a year ago so yep great idea, but never implemented. Could offer more variety and different rewards for different strength clans. Take the easy path less gold and less drops of equip for example. Take the hardest path best gold and rewards. More incentive for clans to work together. More incentive to waste xtals on an eb other than hte And a way to gear the eb to your clans needs and strengths.
What about an even that stripped and farmed you. You have the opportunity to make money off the allies being bought and getting rid of junk allies but it's unanimous.
I'm liking all of these. XD We could have an epic battle, with a "gold" bar. "bandits are extorting you to pass. Pay them gold to keep the bridge open." Then like a gold bar where clans must donate gold to reduce it.
I like the idea an Eb strip farming you. Lmfao or if the Eb destroys one of your leveled up grades. Haha your buildings drops from level 3 to level 2 because it has been undertaken extreme damage from Hydra! There would be a little bit larger payout because of the risk though lol.