idea for gh. dont worry its not like the butthurt ones

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ibeat, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Everyone knows the bonuses as a new player being able to start off as a gh and grow quickly. However once they have finished LL they have more options and possibilities for their builds.

    Capping guild hansel plunder is fine i they are HLBC or something along those lines but i propose that the devs allow the original allies plunder from guilds to stay the same until they reach HL or make guilds on the HL.

    This allows for the devs problem with guild hansels to be solved and also helps the new players have an easier time in this game. Thus adding new perm players to the game which adds more money into the pockets of the devs.


    Support or no support.
    Please explain why if you choose no support.
  2. GH rage strong

    reasonable solutions die
  3. Got another idea ! Accept change
  4. I got a gh alt, n really its a fine change there doing, now atlest all gh gets to keep all mith equipment, + we all decided in what we wanted to build freely so now adjust ur build, grow n keep playing the game..
  5. I think I'll just keep my GH a GH. Build things in HF and ill have a pretty high hit range anyway.
  6. The way people are acting makes it would like the devs took away all your plunder...
  7. The way people are acting is like they put billions and trillions into their build oh wait. Only costs them 50bil for the the gh build I make that in a day -./
  8. Not including lands lol I'm not fussed. To me it a lazy way to war lol. But I can easy make it like my old main that is slowly dieing lol
  9. Everyone has to buy lands
  10. Not if u stop lol
  11. I'm starting to consider farming the next person to make a gh thread...
  12. Omfg.... This thread was not for bringing back gh. It was to help build up new players. Im a very quick recruiter and when i find a very low stated player, i teach him the game. Often times through the guild hansel build. Just until he reach HL. Then i convert him into a hybrid. Every last person who has replied on my thread has taken this way out of perspective.
  13. I can see what the op original point is and it's not a bad option sadly you can't grandfather that kind of fix in the existing GH are the source of the Devs concerns if guilds had never been on HL that would have been a fine solution . Sorry GH your gonna have to change to SOS to hit larger targets or stay GH and lower plunder and smaller targets .
  14. Rage against the dying if the light GH conference on Friday at justhanginout yes I know how to fix it
  15. Nah lol time to get the gh build down to the others, so they can take advantage of everything. Only thing that irrs me is those atk build now laughing at gh ;) Ill get some funny posts on my wall for that I think. But allright… time slides, as all does