Idea for Estoc Edge loss

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XxTIl-__KING__-IITxX, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. I myself am a clan hopper, though I like warring with one clan in particular. What I was thinking is, instead of losing 1 level of edge everytime you leave your clan, what about the edge "staying" in that clan?

    If I'm not making any sense, then here's a better explanation:
    When we leave the clan, we lose all our estoc edge, but when we come back to that clan, we get it all back.

    Still don't get it? You're an idiot then :lol:
  2. No support. Just stay in the clan then.

    Devs made these wars to make us war with our family.
  3. Wait, wait, let's get this straight.

    Your plan is to allow players to hop around anywhere and not lose any Estoc edge? That's EXACTLY what the developers were trying to eliminate.
  4. Devs said in their recentest update that they are going to change that soon so your argument is invalid.
  5. It's pointless if they don't lose anything when returning to their home clan.
  6. They're trying to promote clan loyalty.

    This will only further encourage the behavior they have taken measures to eliminate.
  7. I fail to see your logic and I can guarantee the developers will not consider this as it is highly counterproductive.
  8. Agree with X
  9. If his argument is invalid and devs said they're going to do something about the edge(we all know what that means) Then your thread is invalid as well.
  10. Hey its just an idea idk what the devs are doing. Look at their newest update. It says "Losing estoc edge sucks. We'll try and fix it soon" such and such lol.
  11. OME, I haven't yet read the thread but I have a feeling they mean losing the Estoc Edge as a result of losing a war, not being unfaithful to a clan.
  12. Yeah it sucks, I know. I know people who have lost 3 levels of EE because they went to their home clan's sub clan for a war, lost, and then came back home.
  13. I honestly dont give a rats ass about Estoc Edge. If I have it, yay. If I don't, oh well.