Would it be possible to automatically have players made administrators to have an identifiable icon or name colour for easy visual identification for all clan members within CC? Something as simple as a red dot next to their name would work. A simple way inside the clan to recognize when an admin directs members during anything from war to epics without members saying "is xyz an admin?".
This is a simple idea that should be part of a richer clan structure update (co-owners, mass notification, clan spells/equipment such as the astral from last PvP). There is so much more that could be done to update clans
support. Would also be nice to impliment same feature for wc/tk instead of resorting to "change your color! wc is using #####"
You make a good point. I have seen other games that allow a group of players to gain things they wouldnt by themselves. In fact those games make it pretty hard for player to survive without having a clan.
support.be nice if admin or owner could also silence or block disruptive member for a time out period