Hello, surely I'm not the only person that finds it a hustle to have to go into a browser and go through the login procedure when trying acess kaw on PC. And when they do finally login they get delayed notifications and slow overall preformence. Why not make an application which you can download from the website, install it and login (select remember password etc.) so you can just click the icon on your desktop and have kaw come up in windowed mode (or fullscreen if that's what people want). Personally I think windowed mode would be best because you would be able to have other apps open (kaw tracking app/timers/notepad/war ss etc.). Because the app would rely on the speed of the computer and Internet it wouldn't be as slow and we wouldn't get delayed notifications meaning it would be easier to sko during wars for example. It wouldn't require much coding as it could be a very similar layout to the browser version and I could possibly be a good solution for windows phones. To avoid any kind of confusion, what I mean is for the users to be able to log into accounts which they have created on other devices and linked to LEGIT facebook/ata accounts therefore not breaking the tou.
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? Why bother, when the browser is literally three clicks away. Make kaw your homepage if you cba to type in the address. This idea screams laziness to me
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? Not laziness, efficiency. There already is an option do it through bluestacks (however it's terrible). Plus when you do it through browser you sometimes have to log out of Facebook if you have "remember me" ticked because it will use that account therefore cause problems for people with multiple accounts. And if it's an application you could select which account maybe (like you can when signing into Gmail). And anyway the browser version is so slow it's unbelievable.
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? When I try to play KaW on my pc I always lose connection and its not my internet maybe a downloadable version would fix that? Support
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? This just in! A kingdoms at war version for Windows 9 is in the works.
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? You do know that you can only have one PC acct right?
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? You do know you can have multiple fb accounts therefore multiple kaw accounts, right?
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? I'm pretty sure u can stay logged into pc when u reload the website without typing in all the info
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? You can only have one account per device, and one pc account even if you have multiple computers.
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? Not many on the windows platfrom, jus buy a flash browser an kaw all you want.
Re: [Idea] A kaw application for Windows 7/8/10? Pc view from mobile require a sign in every time unless one doesn't close that specific tab