iAlchemist’s Build Guide First off, the single most important part of your build is your Play Style! Yes there are better builds than others but depending on your play style and how active you are, you will be better off playing it safe and sticking to a build that suits you. I also want you to consider that you should be picking a build that you have fun with and enjoy, not what your clan or members may think would be better for the clan. Its far better having you here and having fun rather you quit and get tired of beating your stick to another’s drum... My favorite build: Attack For: Extremely Active Players. Plunder: Best Attack: Best Defense: Worst-Fair Spy: Worst Spy D: Worst Recommendations: -You must be in a clan to max the benefits out of this build. -Watch for people buying your allies, since being active is a vital role to this build stay on top of your allies and don’t let your hard earnings be stolen! Buy another ally! -You will be able to attack majority of players with 100% Victory, unlike questing where you’re most profitable quest will be 1/10 tries. -Attack at full soldiers, 5 hits per person. (In spite of this being a respectful method of attacking, you earn max plunder at full soldiers + you lose less soldiers the higher your attack is) (Less soldiers = Less attack = Even More Soldiers used and killed = even more time wasted for us active players!) -Dump all earnings into Allies after your attacks or when you’re absent! This is vital to our build as we certainly don’t have the best defense to keep it safe. Stash it where it can’t be stolen! (Use your clan members to buy your allies when you have enough money to upgrade) *Also when you’re in a clan they will protect you from being farmed, this is why a Clan is very important to our build.* -I would recommend not even upgrading your Spy/Spy defense higher than 900 until your in the 100k attack range. Reason being the higher your attack the easier + more money you make all-together and since your active just stash it in an ally… let them steal 0 gold!. (It wasn’t until I made it 20th on leader boards and got noticed that I boosted my Spy’s) Coming Soon: Attack/Defense Balance For: Semi-Active Players. Plunder: Fair Attack: Good Defense: Good Spy: Good Spy D: Good