Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIlIlSTANdardllIlI, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. This is for your friends you are recruiting as you already know what is going on, but I am sick of explaining to them they can just look here.

    Start - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=113464&p=3143180#p3143180 end of thread you made a hilarious joke about farm emily-angel Sunday and proceeded to hit thinking you were safe as anarchy, arkst, CS_CiderStar_CS and his alt were hitting.

    OOps she hit back while you slept and you woke up mad with this - viewtopic.php?f=11&t=113497&p=3144571#p3144571 yep your clan you were in didnt help huh.

    From there you went to numerous clans hiding hitting eb and telling them i was farming you....a few helped you hit me, some got me good, but where were you? oh thats right eb, your an eb farmer with a mouth issue.

    i went into A.D.H.D to hit from and enjoy cc with some great people, they were in a war so it was cool, but wow you then joined against us, made it easier for me but you got mad they hit you in a war. - viewtopic.php?f=7&t=113554&p=3146545#p3146545

    Back to more clans for help for you, more kicks, more hits before you joined darkslayer clan who attempted to strip me while you hid behind them. They didnt last long though and their clan stopped besides one twit that has just started again breaking the cf they have.

    That not working you threatened me with a big stat player, i was doomed.....your owner walled me, we went to pm and he told me to farm you in the end.

    So here we are....our 1 vs 1, your friends have made me potless so i cant win any hits on you but i wont walk away. lets see if you can try to keep this to just the 2 of you hitting now . Say when you have finished perma farming me ok. (Its past midnight there so I dont expect it now)
  2. Ahaha :) You posted a thread about this 
  3. Ahah, you posted a thread about this 
  4. I was unaware my first post went through..
  5. Yes Goku, and dont you look silly for it, as silly as the failed strip your clan tried on me but enjoy your day. If you read the thread it is cause i am sick of explaining to all the clans he runs to for help.
  6. Emily you do have my support even though you prob don't remember me
  7. That's nice
  8. are u stuck on stupid? are u trying to get yourself reset?
  9. I have a hard time trying to find what to say, since Cider, Anarchy, and arkst are all in my clan. :lol:
  10. reset by him? or his friends? Hun its a war game, i recently reset through my own actions, took kaw to heart hurt friends in the process, I wont be resetting over a game without good reason and being farmed is not a good reason...serious???
  11. Jenni you're making yourself look foolish and nitro, :lol:
  12. lol no hard feelings to anarchy and arkst, they thought they were in a 2 vs 1 with me it seems they didnt know this guy was using them to hide behind
  13. Actually no, cider is a good friend of anarchy, anarchy asked me if I wanted in on it and I said yes. 
  14. Nice to know arkst, thanks
  15. This dudes is going too far, lucky there's dtw on this game, or A.D.H.D would have him pinned every moment of his life.

    I was gaining respect for him too, then he did this.
  16. What arkst said.
  17. im sorry i miss-read the threads...i thought u were calling out A.d.h.d ..was gonna say it's a very bad idea.. :/
  18. I can't tell if that's sarcastic...