Email them. Include any evidence you have. If you don't have evidence you will probably have to wait 2 months after the date of the silence to have it lifted. Forum cannot help. Good luck
Maybe you can have a brand new forums ban to go with that perm ban :lol: We can't do anything about it, and we don't care. Email with a nice long tl;dr letter saying why you were unjustly silences, bla bla bla
Email with your problem (seeing as how you can't contact a moderator xD) Firstly, wait 24 hours to insure it is a permanent silence. Unless you have a notepad or word document that you keep logs of these things on. Actually, wait like 30 hours just in case. If you are still silenced, THEN email support (email above). Explain what happened, with details man, details. Times, posts, the like. They could check logs and see what's up, but why not make their job easier? Maybe they can help you out, just don't go breaking their trust if they do let you off, they don't like that.
Just email them now if you're in the right, devs have records of all the conversations in wc. When I sent in my request for an removal of being silenced on grounds of it being unjust they replied with the exact messages and times I posted in wc.
Here you go, below I will leave a nice block of ice for you to sit on op. T------------------T | | | | | | T------------------T
Another one, jezz. Lol, just follow directions of first couple replies. Then try not to post on forums too much, or put some thought in it and explain your situation thoroughly so its not so bad.please!
It's important to know not to use an attitude, be nice and state the facts.. Doing so they are more likely to work with you... And if possible deal with Wendy or Lisa
What is it with you people today!?!? Got a problem? Contact Forum can't help you