I want to war!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MizzToxicKissez, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. I'm looking for a clan that is warring in season 2 I have experience and know how to follow wc and tracker without talking back. I want a clan that I am welcome to war with and fight beside and win! I'm sick of always ending up on a side that loses because of poor listening skills and chaos! I have a home clan that I love being in but not enough want to war from our clan so this is why I'm looking for a clan that will accept me to war with them!
    Thanks for your time 
  2. Not for forums.

    Go to WC noob
  3. Actually I posted under the war section in forums which is what this is used for.
  4. It's for war discussions and people going to war each other.. Not Noobs look for a team
  5. Well I'm sorry that I want to be a part of the warring community but have yet to find a spot to war..
  6. hi toxic. please request a lock. this sort of thing is frowned upon on the forums.
  7. I guess lock this post?
  8. Ill put this nicer than these guys have..

    Think about if all people who wanted to war posted forums about it, that would very quickly clog up forums. Forums Isn't really the place, wc is probably best. Expect morons on wc also though.
  9. There's morons everywhere which is why I've gotten no where in finding a clan to war with!
  10. Who is a moron? 
  11. like i said in cc. talk to your friends first. then go to wc if you still can't find a spot.
  12. I was referring to morons in general. You'll get them in forums, and WC. Nobody in here specific, don't worry ;)
  13. 

    Larry always looking for a fight.

    He is a moron. 
  14. If toxic is looking for a war clan I sympathise with them totally it's not easy for builds to get war.
    They post in wc they get told stop spamming wc and get farmed
    They look to forums for help what they get is the usual forum trolls
    I say good luck and it's reassuring that ppl are still wanting to war rather than press the repeat button
  15. I'd like to war instead of hitting an eb 24/7 this is part of what the game is about and all I want to do is find a place where I'm accepted to war and make new friends and allies... That's all I want :)
  16. I troll bc I care
  17. I wanna war as well 
  18. Hit battlelist, bam, instant wars.
  19. Devil, I do from time to time :€