I want to maximize my profits...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. ....while maintaining a great defensive fighting build.

    I too, thought the hansel was what I needed. Perhaps this is true.

    And so, I would like the community's take on what to build in order to make fast $$.

    Right now I'm sitting at pure GH on low lands and high lands, just opened up the first couple HF. Wondering what to build... Give me some tips?

    (I don't use towers due to their low plunder. I want to maximize my profits, remember...)

    I am fully aware I could have simply experimented around or asked someone privately. I'm a lazy human being... Help me out.

    Thanks, much appreciated.
  2. Well first of all gh are out of style nol
  3. 1. Become EB Fairy
    2. Go to Ally Market and Learn
    3. Quit being a jew (Gah, I'm just joking)
    4. Skim. Skim. You need to do this for hours
    5. Join my clan and use a few seals. (100% Items and we do b2b hte, just apply for perm)
    6. Do EE for Estoc Edge. You can earn up to 50% more plunder
  4. Hold onto your guilds and start putting pure def buildings in HF (lvl1). That should meet your goals.

    Replacing your guilds means you will be devoting a lot of money on buildings that will only moderately raise your income.
  5. Thank you UnicornPoopCookie.
    What a beautiful name...
  6. Being on the corner works better
  7. Stay a Pure GH, but seals and xtals, get level 5 EE, go to a B2B HTE clan that gives 100% items, then start swapping to whatever you want.