i want to be modelator

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by llVlllAlllLllAllillSlllillNll, Dec 3, 2014.

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  1. How to apply ? Plz infom me
  2. there are no modelator spots open atm, sorry :/
  3. First, you need to learn how to spell;), then , you don't apply, they watch the community and they pick there moderators.
  4. Even if i told you you just lost your chance of becoming a mod because one of the rules is not to ask how to be one

    Or something like that..
  5. Apply to how? Me inform plz
  6. No. Not allowed.
  7. You need an animal name
  8. Q-36 space modelator??
  9. Fruits work too..
  10. So they want to eliminate models

    I say let em do it

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