I want to ally trade but I don't know what's the best market

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DAN-TS, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Hi all. This is not an informative or strategy guide, it's more of a question.

    So as you are all fully aware, Tier 6 has came out and everyone ( well strong players) is buying them. This then makes the hunt for allies a lot less important and I have found that my usual market of allies between 50-100b isn't doing too good.
    Please can you say what the best or most popular ally trading price is? Thanks 
  2. Yeah no good Allie trader will give away there hard earned secrets
  3. I've sold a lot of 300-500b recently 200b also just find the right ally and be very picky lol
  4. 69,696,969,696 is normally where I look 
    In all seriousness, Around 300b-500b is normally ok
  5. 150-300 seems to go quick now
  6. 120-200b is ok price also
  7. @ diablo - owners get very confused when allies change their names and don't tell their owners
  8. I've noticed too that allies in range 50-100b aren't selling good now. The "fast" range now seem to be 100-250b. But for small traders as me that's a problem becouse it limit the number of allies in the shop. Less allies means less probability to sell one fast :-(
  9. Ok thanks guys!
  10. Are there rules about buying ally? I get a complaint a day telling me to stop buying ally. Are they full of b.s.?
  11. There are no rules but you may get farmed.
  12. I've found that range doing well. Never buy anything less than top five plunder earner in ebs.