i want a date

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *ScoutPots (01), Apr 14, 2013.

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  1. My name is hunjab nikab and i live in afganistan. I always had trouble wit da ladies in my day(they always ended up exploding). Dont ask me why. If was 99% unintentional. Anyways, who wants to be my date?

    And as always, I bomb the **** out of you. 

  2. Racist fucker.
  3. July 4th.

    There's your date.
  4. Not funny in the least bit
  5. I like this guy
  6.  I'm on the bandwagon
  7. You remind me of Admiral Al-Adeen from Sacha Baron Cohen's movie 'the Dictator.' Especially when Al-Adeen brings up the topic of blowing things up.
  8. Forum ban and lock now, please. It would be no great loss to humanity if you lost the ability to spread your "humour", OP.
  9. 
  10. Actually, I could see a few advantages in keeping operator.
  11. Your racist attempt at humor has failed
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