I wanna sell my house for cakes 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Lucness, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. Hello kaw world I need your freakin advice. As the title says I'm looking to sell my house so I can buy as many cakes as I can. I've recently come to the conclusion of two things. First I love cake and ill do anything to get as much as I can. Second I realized tht the real estate market is making a come back. So I can get a pretty good price for my house my agent tells me. So tht means a lot of . Ill be homeless but ill have a lot of cake. Wanna think ?
  2. Lol

    No cake for you!
  3. After the removal of the gold standard, cake was supposed to be the next alternative. So I'd say yes, go for it.
  4. Hi luc!

    I say GO FOR IT
  5. Ty guys I'm on my way to being homeless but full of cake. 
  6. They were talking to me.  Gods Ty guys
  7. There are literary records of witches living in ginger-bread houses, candy houses, etc.
    so why don't you just use the cash to build a cake-house? That way you can have your cake and eat it too.
    Though all I want is to have my Kate and Edith too. But they can't stand each other 
  8. Get cake and cookies
  9. With all the cake you buy you could make a Cake House, I suggest moving to "1337 Lane, CandyTown U.S.A".

    Living the life. :cool:
  10. I think a house made out of cakes that way you will have bought a house worth of claws and not be homeless :D
  11. I would like to be paid in Trident Layers.
  12. Do it ill steal your cake then you have no house or cake
  13. I suggest living on 666 illuminati drive