i think im a genious

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIlSIllCIllRIIllEIllAIIllMIIl, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Ok maybe not lol but now that ive got youre attention ponder this

    Instead of nerfing gh or watever devs planning on doing in a few days how bout hitting the cause of ee problems on the head.

    The way i see it the problem is roster stacking and unfair matches.

    Just an idea and might not work but why not lock rosters for every clan . What i mean by this is that say war is 10 ppl rosters are locked so that you can have
    For example 2 highest stats ppl 6 mid to high stats and two gh . Using stat ranges which are lockes so say i had two gh already and a third joined they would be unable to cast woc.

    Stat ranges and amount of each type of build would have to be voted on depending on what the majority if kaw deems fair

    Every clan would then in esssence be the same excluding bonuses (bfe/bfa) but hey people work hard for those so.i dont see this as an exploit

    Needs tweaking but what you guys think??
  2. Tl;DR, but I'm sure it's a good concept. Support lol
  3. Ohhhhhhh duble poast lawlul
  4. [​IMG]

    Doubles hehehe my favs
  5. Yeah dunno why it always doubles my first post on android its annoying. Ive emailed devs over it but got the usual nonsense back and give up.

    Ok tl;dr is locked roster so every clan has the same number of each type of build/stats and cant stack rosters.
  6. and or a combined stat limit ceiling. Eg ceiling is 1bill cs . As ppl.cast woc it adds up youre clans combined stats once you hit 1bill no more people can cast woc.
    Numbers are just examples obv fair ceilings would have to be made so as not to.exclude anyone from.potentially warring
  7. This would exclude LBs and small builds. This would also restrict most of any strategy when building a roster.
  8. Example chaos war 1
    10 Vs 10
    rosters can only consist of
    2Highest stat
    6 mid to high stat
    2 Low or gh stat
    Total combined stat must not exceed 1bill
    (Fair ranges to be decided and voted on by kaw)

    chaos war 2
    15 vs 15
    4 high stats
    7 Mid to high
    4 Low or gh
    Cs must not exceed 2,5 bill
    (Again im just giving examples all can be worked out properly)
  9. Interesting thought but there are smaller clans that war who may not have any accounts that fit into the 'higher stat' category
  10. No support. The more entries the more likely kaw can produce wars between equals....well close enough anyway. Artifical qualification criteria will create more difficulties than its worth.
    If u want to enter 10 heavy attack builds or 10 gh i should be able to...and there is a fair chance ill be matched to something similar if they get enough entries.
  11. @ king and mdj

    That was just one exanple of one type of war.
    You want a a war for smalls just adjust build entry requirements and reduce combined stat ceiling

    Chaos war 1
    2 Medium to high stat (2mill cs max)
    8 small to medium (500 -1mill)

    It would be fair there would be no non matches everyone should in theory have a good ratio.

    Again just examples canbe adjusted based on feedback
  12. So basically the smalls war in the small wars and everyone else wars in the other wars based on there builds abd combined stats

    Also for the small wars you could make the mith payout smaller and maybe have stuff like the hooves from rekoning available to.purchase with mith so say im a small build but i hate ebs and wanna pvp and get equipment i can.
  13. Spell check your title Genius

  14. sighs.....


  15. Your idea is nice. A less restrictive form of it has already been implemented this past summer. The devs used a system that tried to match clans according to open targets. This was a system where the devs took into account the relative strength and the distribution of strength among clan members.

    They also tracked the variation of builds within the clans. The problem was, and still is, that it is difficult to match clans with similar builds. You will exclude a great majority of players when you start setting arbitrary limits to what is permissible. A rational person would understand that the participants are too diverse to adequately pair each clan with an appropriate adversary.

    Your idea is in the right direction. The fact that the devs have gone down that path already is proof that there is some merit to your thoughts. Regardless of this, I would be in agreement with Mdjbags here, I prefer having the developer's version instead.

  16. Seems legit
  17. Why not do an addition of combined stats amongst the group... Excluding BFE/BFA and the closest to it is matched into a pool...

    Let's say 100 clans apply...
    Clans 1-10 all have very close CS amongst all of 10 players combined...

    Then, once matched they are placed into that pool of those 10 clans.

    Once in the pool, BFE/BFA is matched up and those 10 clans are placed accordingly in matches based on those BFE/BFA.

    This way there are similar Builds in each clan That way clans may hit the GH because the GH will lower the clans CS so you would need a lot more Big hitters to balance it out meaning they are moved to a higher pool of clans
  18. Nah. They need to stop GHs from running around KaW anyway. The main point of the game is to grow and what do they do? Just sit there with a 60 day build.