I think I hv a proof ambush is better than hunting for hanse

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 0IoI0o-_-WhiteTooth-_-o0lol0, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. I'm a small hansel. If u r bigger than me, u earn more than me. But what I'm abt to say is ambush v.s hunting. Not big hansel v.s small hansel. Check out if this is logical. All data r from history. Hence they r total amount.

    average income per action( I do complete unload every hr)=12.31m

    Ally bonus: 11.3m

    1. Given my atk str is negligible,the gold I earn from atk = ally bonus = 11.3m

    Hence income from assa actually pulls it up to 12.31m.

    The hunting:

    First trial: atk only without assa
    Average income per action: 8m(My ally bonus is complete used up to buy 12m pot. 8m is from end reward)

    Second trial: attk assa
    Average income per action =7m

    1. Hunting pays very low for assa. In ambush, assa pulls my income up in ambush while in hunting, assa pulls down.

    2. If u use pot to hit, u sure lose money. Income from attk is divided into two parts: plunder and participation reward at the end.

    Without pot(ambush)
    Plunder: 11.3m
    Participation reward: negligible, cuz my atk str is extremely weak.
    overall= 11.3(ally bonus) 0(parti. reward)-0( pot cost)=11.3m

    With pot( hunting)
    Plunder:0, cuz all my plunder is used to buy pot
    Participation reward: 8m, this atk str is from the pot I use.
    Overall=12(ally bonuus) 8(parti. Reward)-12(pot cost)=8m

    Ps: If I use less expansive pot, I hv less atk str, and I'll earn less in parti. Reward accordingly. So don't spam the crap that use less ex pot is better. It's tested. I won't go deep into that in this thread.

    Hence use pot means lose money.

    Overall Conclusion:
    1. Hansel should do ambush cuz their major income is from assa, and assa is better rewarded in ambush than hunting.

    2.hunting is tougher. It increases ur ally bonus. But the moment u use pot, u definitely earn less.

    3. For war build, u should stay in hunting.
  2. True words, but your grammar needs work.
  3. Lol @ your speeling and grama.

    But yep. Although if you're active in pot stages it does pay ok.
  4. Haunting* that really pissed me off having to read through cuz hunting and all other abbreviations. If you take the time to make a decent thread (looks like you did), then take the time to make it readable!
  5. I love how u spelled "spelling" wrong
  6. We are so darned proud of you !!! Take a bow bro !!!!! A for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. This is biased from the fact that you are too small and frankly should not be doing haunting with those stats.

    For a hansel of my size, Haunting pays better. I earn roughly 21m an attack (-10m pot cost). Assassinations on average give me 15m each. Doing a 2/5 attack/assassination.

    It is relevant to size.
  8. Size matters!
  9. @op

    derpalicious story you cool cat
  10. Hmm yea. Just depends who you are.
  11. Hold on missbehave.

    1.i do complete unload per hr. u may not. Do u?

    2. It's ambush vs hunting. Not big hansel vs small hansel. U should try ur result in ambush then compare( perhaps u hv already)

    3. According to my test, hunting rewards assassination less as compared to the amount ambush does. If this is true, it is just less good, regardless if one is big or small.

    4. MissB u are semi hybrid already. I'm referring to pure hansel. Because pure hansel earns nothing from the participation reward by atk( their attk I str is too weak). They only earn ally bonus.

    While hybrid, they do earn some money from participation reward by an attk.
  12. I did not use this account during the test. So being a hybrid is invalid.

    Doing 2/5 increases bonus and attack plunder in general as strength is higher. I too did Ambush vs Haunting when a friend told me that ambush was better.

    The fact that you tried Haunting when you are small and cannot sustain the pot cost will affect your results. I earn enough to make a profit when using pots too.
  13. I hope you realize ambush is better than haunting, for a hansel.
  14. Not necessarily Bob. For a hansel of my size (1 attack building not 4, others become SoS) Haunting will pay better due to a larger bonus and the pot phase.

    It is relative to size. Also considering that spies around my size are more likely to be hybrid-spy and not pure due to harder eb's and not wanting to lose gold on pots for attacks.
  15. I haven't been a hansel in awhile and can't test this myself, but I'd imagine the stealing part of ambush would pay greatly for any hansel compared to haunting. Most hansels can only assassinate on hauntings, and if they can't complete or can't complete it quickly, it almost becomes pointless in doing. In ambush you can steal massive amounts of gems (gold) and be able to beat possibly quicker or the same rate as a haunting.
  16. Steals on Ambush is low, and also wastes more spies than assassinations, with less damage to the total points. Also provides less bonus if any. Most clans that run haunting do it fast, although the smaller ones run slow ones. Fast haunts vs fast ambush - haunting pays me 300-500m more in total for a 5 min difference in time.

    Again, totally size related.
  17. Strong hansels will probably prefer ambush. Again, I'm not hansel, so I'm relying of others experimental proof. ;)
  18. I've never done ambush, should I try it?
  19. I would give it a go