I suggest CF in The Great Merc War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Luciak, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Since this is one of my first forums I do not know BB code at all. So please do not expect anything colorful or appealing like moose or other famous formers.

    As we all know there is a Merc War occurring which I like the call The Great Merc War because it is between the two best known Merc alliances in KAW. Merc Legion (ML) and Roman Pretorian Legion (Forgive me if I spelt wrong) (RPL)

    I have noticed that many clans that are behind can not finish their EBs that Mercs normally appear to help finish. Mercs are the best service in the game and they are not able to help people when they are at war with one another.

    The entire point of this thread is that I am suggesting a CF to where both clans just avoid each other and try their best not to cross paths. When and if they do cross paths (which is sure to occur) then they should handle it like mature adults and not like 2nd graders fighting over who gets to be line leader.

    I know I will get a lot of trollers and probably some INC from this but I am representing a lot of clans when I create this thread. I am creating this thread for the good of the KaW community and hope that ML and RPL will take my advice and decide to make a CF and go back to being a great service to our community.

    (")_(") ~Luc
  2. ๎‰’Mercs are not always available, KaW beyond your ability at your own risk!๎‰’

    Simple. Let them war.
  3. Do EBs you can complete.Mercs want to enjoy the game,they have lives,run your clan better.They are not at your beck and call 24/7.
  4. They ARNt to help us 24/7
  5. Good points so far. Let them fight. It is Kingdoms at WAR...
  6. I understand all that. I am just saying that there are clans that start what they can do and then have unexpected RL problems that they have to attend to and then that's where Mercs come in. For my home clan we only use Mercs as an absolute last resort because we understand everyone has their lives to attend too

  7. Not the point. ML and RPL both have lives too, and they are at war with each other, for reasons I don't really know. But I'm not going to speculate. So the simple fact is clans should check their activity and know their capabilities before starting an eb.

    Also there are many other merc clans ๎… just saying
  8. If you are that bothered about other clans then start another Merc clan....
  9. Well I have onl ever heard of three merc clans. ML, RPL (osw with EACHOTHER) and te Death Mercs (only merc to their clans)
    Just wondering what others are...??

  10. The victor will rise the loser will parish ask the little groups and this is great btw it made so many merc groups rise out of no where just find one
  11. The remainder of UM mercs have the train open part time (rpl allies). I am not entirely certain who or which of them is running the train (it's not my buisness lol. My job is war. For whatever reason. I just show up and do that) however I'm sure you can speak to either rpl leadership or find them yourself and ask them for some help. But it's much smaller then normal due to the war against a UM clan

    Besides which. 4 new merc clans this week
    Raw mercs hq
    Elite spartan mercenaries
    Raw mercs( now inside the hq however)
    Kaw mercs

    I'm sure there's a few more. Admitably when ml and UM we're at full size before the war. Something like 800-1000 mercs could be claimed between them (assuming every full member was a merc. Which a decent few aren't) so a lot of ebs will fail anyway.

    Just only do what you can. Don't expect being saved because even if the war was too end this second. That doesn't mean all of the sudden every eb will be saved. They still have scheduling and picking and limitations
  12. I think that both sides should mutually agree on a cf as ml and rpl are two merc clans that should be able to see eye to eye.I am a original monster merc and fam with um but have family ties with both merc clans.RPL has proven that they will fight and we know ml has been around longer and has been around since mith wars proven by some of my first war exsperience.Now get back to mercing cause alot of clans depend on you both ml and rpl not these new popup merc clans.Btw Monster Mercs are still alive and will be back soon so lets get our merc on.Happy Kawing
  13. I just want to see whos winning and the strip amounts (if they have done any).
  14. Btw I made a merc group the day this started so many hauntings needed help I couldn't believe it
  15. So you expect everyone to drop what they are doing just to come and help you nooby eb fairies finish your eb because your clan cant handle the end that you have started?
  16. OSW is the funnest aspect of this game, EB's is the most boreing aspect of this game, in my own opinion. EB's are great for quick easy cash to grow. War is Fun.

    In the end, let the Mercs fight it out. Let them enjoy themselves and fight the good fight. What is the use of all of the equipment and all of the growth they do if they can't use it in pvp battles.

    I say war on mercs!

    To the other clans, you have WC to advertise, and should not try and fight an eb you can't beat. Who knows how long this war will last but for now, you just have to deal with it.
  17. That is not a vote by the way just an error. I would not like to make a prediction. Having received help from both clans, I wish both clans well!
  18. If your clan can't complete a EB without Mercs it can hardy be called a clan. Mercs have their own lives, do not depend on them to come an Help you out if you can't complete an EB. :|
  19. I like you trolls and peeps with no connects keep posting but watch what you say if not connected