I.S.S stripped me :(

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIllllIIIllllllIlIlIIlllIllII, May 15, 2013.

  1. I.S.S Stripped All 250 of my allies and robbed me for 2,367,334 gold and im so upset im gonna quit.
  2. 2 million gold :lol:
  3. They stripped 250 allies, for a grand total of 2m?
  4. I'm guessing this is a troll lol looked at your stats and that's not something complained about
  5. Have you come back for revenge A1? It's useless, save yourself the embarrassment :lol:
  6. Contact ATA and tell them of your troubles. I.S.S. should be ashamed of themselves isn't this against TOU. All 250 huh 
  7. Thank you for the laugh lol
  8. The real question is how did you get down to that small of an amount in allies?
  9. Op, What an idiot.... Iss. Support 
  10. First thread about this was decent, second thread is just creating spam. 
  11. Know A1 is to scare to show himself :lol: he needs to go to A2
  12. j'aime le troll. :D
  13. lol you gonna cry about it ?
  14. I recommend telling your local police department
    Stripping a person without permission and for no good reason should be reported more often