Im trying to do some math to find out if it better to work on hlbc by building t5 lvl 1 in hl or t4 lvl 3 then work on t5s. Just trying to get a rough estimate. Question: what is the plunder for a hlbc t4 lvl 3 on FOD?
The better question to ask is why would you bother spending 16 billion on a building you plan to replace?
Since you're 12 Highlands in, you're probably better going for T5. People only just starting in the HL are better going do T4, since it will take them forever to put up T5's. Since its cheaper for me to build T5's than to buy my last few lands I'll be upgrading all my T5's to full before going any further.
Yeah, just go straight to T5. That costs 25b Building a T4 is 15b, year it down (3b) and build T5= 37b total
As with any build the land grab is the hard work. Build a L4 Guild on new land for now they will pay for themselves 10 fold. Use balanced judgement in purchases, trade allies, buy Potts, buy land. I would build T5 to L3 before the next, especially if you build a Torture Garden
T5 lev 1 definitely gives better plunder but not by much. When u consider the difference in price u r better with T4 Lev 3 if u want to get fastest growing payout per haunt. Convert 1 by 1 after. U r getting 7.5 T4s for the same price as 4 T5s so overall u r making more growing gold. My 2cents anyways but not my preference lol.
Pat: you should read the whole thread...also, TvL3 give marginally more plunder per hit than guild really, you're shooting down your own logic by using gold earned per hit as an argument. Smart money goes guild lv4 -> T5